
Any small to midsized business (SMB) that has been shipping over the past few years knows that supply chain disruption will occur at some point. There’s nothing that can be done to prevent these events 和 the ripples they create in shipping operations.

而是通过适当的使用 供应链技术 和理解 如何处理供应链中断, 托运人可以保护他们的底线. They can also manage their br和 image 和 keep customers loyal to their company — even during turbulent times.


It’s important to underst和 some critical data that shows how supply chain disruptions disproportionately affect SMBs. These shippers have fewer resources 和 smaller budgets compared to their larger counterparts. 他们最大的挑战, 然而, could be their lack of technological advancements 和 capabilities that make shipping more efficient.

This creates an uneven playing field in the marketplace 和 makes times of disruption even more unmanageable. 最近的一次 中小企业零售供应链调查 Software Advice声称:

“没有人能免受持续的干扰, but larger companies tend to place larger orders 和 essentially are less risky for suppliers than small businesses — 91% of SMB retailers feel that larger companies have an advantage over them in their ability to procure inventory.”

研究还发现,在中小企业中, “46% have had at least one vendor drop them for reasons specifically related to being a small business,另有“23%预计在不久的将来会下降。.”

作为托运人, the data proves what you already know or assume: SMBs must find effective strategies 和 implement innovative technology to manage customer expectations along with inventory levels — particularly during times of supply chain disruptions.


对于中小企业来说,幸运的是,在供应链中断的时候,许多客户都很同情. 根据Mitto的研究, 全球通信解决方案提供商, keeping customers informed about the status of their deliveries makes a difference in how they perceive your br和. 研究发现:

  • “93% of Americans are more likely to have patience around delivery delays with a br和 they already associate with good customer service.”
  • “91% of respondents said that a good customer experience makes waiting for a product bearable.”

坦率地说,这些数字是惊人的. They indicate that more than nine in 10 customers — a vast majority — are willing to remain loyal to a br和 if they provide great customer service while they are waiting for their late or lost shipment.

So, 虽然你无法避免供应链中断, you can invest in processes that make the customer experience “bearable” during the times when you, 作为中小企业, 减少对供应商和采购的控制. 你可能已经猜到了, 供应链技术, including a transportation management system, is key to keeping customers informed 和 patient.


The reasons to keep customers happy during supply chain disruptions are relatively obvious. 这些都是让客户始终满意的原因. 但供应链中断会带来风险. 发货越来越晚, missing or potentially damaged during these times 和 customer experience should be elevated since the chances of losing a customer increases.

这就是为什么托运人需要在中断期间超级勤奋. 毕竟, it is well documented that acquiring new customers is much more costly 和 time-consuming than keeping those who already do business with you. 据营销公司Outbound Engine报道:

  • 获得一个新客户的成本可能是留住一个现有客户的5倍.”
  • “将客户留存率提高5%可以将利润提高25-95%.”
  • “向你已经拥有的客户销售产品的成功率是60% -70%, 而销售给新客户的成功率是5-20%.”

大多数托运人可能是自己得出这些结论的. 如果是这样的话, the question must be asked: what are you doing 和 how is your technology helping retain your customers during supply chain disruptions?

串连点点滴滴. 所有的供应链中断数据意味着什么?

In short, research tells us that SMBs feel outmatched by larger competitors during disruption. 然而, customers are sympathetic to those companies that are willing to effectively communicate with them during these times. SMBs should take note of these findings because acquiring new customers is much more taxing than keeping your current ones.

宾戈游戏! 请检查!

别着急. A stumbling block for many SMBs is underst和ing how to implement strategies to maintain customer satisfaction during supply chain disruption. 澳门威尼斯人直营网站认为这在很大程度上依赖于 供应链技术.


在恶劣天气下, 劳资纠纷, 流行病和其他混乱时期, 客户仍然希望了解他们的货物状态. 这是任何订购发货产品的人的共同点.

如果托运人不能提供这些细节, 顾客满意度会动摇, 你的品牌也会受到影响. 而是通过下面的方法 供应链和物流技术平台, 托运人可以控制库存, 让客户了解他们的货物状态,并保持他们的业务.

  • TMS供应链平台 — A 运输管理系统 allows you to easily compare costs 和 delivery options within one platform — which means no more time-consuming rate checking. +, TMS可以让你在一个地方追踪所有的货物, 还要遵守你的命令, 发票和其他文件的组织和搜索. This creates processes that you can quickly leverage to determine the status of customer shipments.
  • 电子商务集成 -通过整合你的购物车, 电子商务发货软件和TMS, 您可以限制人工错误并增加供应链可见性. 电子商务集成 还能简化客户的在线体验吗. This includes leveraging plugins that display up-to-date shipping rates directly in the shopping cart at check-out; allow shippers to easily create shipping labels for hassle-free returns; 和 — you guessed it — provide updates on the status of shipments.
  • 供应链跟踪技术 -通过采用技术来改善供应链跟踪, your company can purchase 和 house inventory more efficiently 和 pivot much more quickly when there are unexpected changes in the shipping industry. 通过机器学习软件, 算法可以自动调整和优化库存策略, 需求计划和库存. This creates an environment where you can properly manage inventory 和 underst和 exactly what needs to be communicated to the customer.


Implementing strategic 供应链技术 is imperative for shippers who value customer satisfaction 和 want to underst和 如何处理供应链中断 和 other 航运的挑战. 澳门威尼斯人直营网站 can implement changes to your supply chain 和 logistics technology to create surefire ways to enhance your company’s efficiency, 声誉, 流程和底线. 我们还提供全套行业领先的 包裹, 澳门威尼斯人直营网站专业海运 全国各地成千上万的托运人每天使用的选项.

接触澳门威尼斯人直营网站 to learn how our innovative technology minimizes the impact of supply chain disruption on your business 和 improves customer satisfaction in supply chain processes. 今天就开始免费咨询吧 和专家谈谈.



了解供应链可见性的来龙去脉, 以及为什么管理潜在风险是值得回报的.
